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AHA and BHA acids - for young and radiant skin
Skin care

AHA and BHA acids - for young and radiant skin

AHA and BHA acids are important skincare ingredients as they help to remove dead skin cells and stimulate the growth of new cells. Read more

Psoriasis - an autoimmune disease that goes deep under the skin
Skin problems

Psoriasis - an autoimmune disease that goes deep under the skin

Psoriasis is a multifaceted, chronic (i.e. lifelong) systemic disease that affects more than just the skin, as inflammation can occur elsewhere - for example, up to 30% of people with psoriasis are also affected by psoriatic arthritis. Read more

Arthritis - a rheumatic joint disease
Well - Being

Arthritis - a rheumatic joint disease

Arthritis is a general term for a variety of inflammatory and degenerative changes in the joint, and there are more than 100 different forms of arthritis, caused by different causes. Read more

What causes dermatitis and how to alleviate symptoms?
Skin problems

What causes dermatitis and how to alleviate symptoms?

Dermatitis is an inflammatory skin disease characterized by scaly, itchy, dry, and irritated skin that can occur on both the face and body. It is estimated that one in 12 adults has atopic dermatitis. Read more

Everything you need to know about alopecia or circular hair loss
Healthy hair

Everything you need to know about alopecia or circular hair loss

Alopecia can occur at any stage of life. The main risk factors are heredity, environmental influences, and diseases that directly or indirectly affect hair loss. Read more

How to care for your skin properly, even during the winter months
Skin care

How to care for your skin properly, even during the winter months

During the winter months, the skin has many challenges to adapt to. Cold air, low humidity, and indoor heating can lead to dry, dehydrated skin. Fortunately, a tailored winter skincare routine can help keep your skin healthy throughout the coldest part of the year. Read more

Turmeric and its beneficial effects
Healthy food

Turmeric and its beneficial effects

The main active ingredient in turmeric, which gives the spice its characteristic yellow color, is curcumin. Curcumin is an extract of the active ingredients in turmeric. Curcumin is a polyphenol whose main medicinal properties are anti-inflammatory and antioxidant activity. Read more

Factors affecting the decline of collagen in the body

Factors affecting the decline of collagen in the body

Collagen is the main component of skin and connective tissue - up to 70% of both. The normal aging process starts to take place when our body's collagen stores start to decline. The breakdown of collagen usually starts at the age of 30 but can happen faster or earlier due to environmental factors. Read more

Are eyelash growth serums really effective?
Skin care

Are eyelash growth serums really effective?

Eyelashes may be small and seemingly insignificant, but they are essential for the health and protection of our eyes, so it is important to take proper care of them. Read more

Good skincare starts and ends with cleansing
Skin care

Good skincare starts and ends with cleansing

The skin's primary function is to act as a barrier against harmful environmental influences, which is reflected in its unique structure. To perform this function effectively, the skin needs proper and, above all, effective care. Read more